Larchant Marsh Nature Reserve

Larchant Larchant Marsh Nature Reserve

The marsh covers 123 hectares at the bottom of a "gulf". It is bounded to the west by a steep hillside (cuesta) descending from the Gâtinais plateau, the eastern end of the great Beauce plain, and to the east by the Loing river, a meander of which probably shaped it in the past. The marsh is directly bordered to the west by the market gardening plots of the village of Larchant, and everywhere else it is surrounded by the state forest of the Commanderie. 

The Larchant Marsh Regional Nature Reserve is managed by a non profit association. It is a fragile, protected and private area. It can be visited from time to time with a guide, following a discovery trail. The dates of the visits are predefined and are subject to registration.

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